Run chicken! Run!

13 10 2014

Sunday was set to be glorious. The first day that we had the ability to sleep in, or at least stay in our jammies. No place to be. No appointments, classes, or anything. Of course, the dogs can tell time and when 7AM rolled around they demanded their breakfast. That was okay and expected. I am a master of going back to sleep after that as long as the puppies don’t get whipped up into a frenzy – then lord help us it could be 2 hours before they wind down. Well, I didn’t even get that far.

Before the dogs get to eat, they have to go out to do their “business”. That is when it all went to poo. Sigh… I walked out with the puppies and stood on the deck to, you know, survey my land. There was movement down the hill near some blackberry. It was a chicken. Crud! It was wondering around calling for her friends. Was it ours? No way to tell at the distance, but it was a barred rock and we have two of those.

Not wanting to have Mark miss out on the morning festivities, I woke him up with the chicken emergency news. As soon as I could feed the dogs (they will not be ignored!), I went down to the chicken and Mark went to the coop to see if anyone was missing. Sure enough, one of the barred rocks – Mickie – was not there. We worked to herd her to a place where Mark could grab her and we got her back to her friends. She must have had a heck of a night because there were two piles of feathers from her (animal attack?) and she was soaking wet.

End of chicken emergency and end of our ability to go back to sleep…though I tried!

For those wondering, the puppies are quite happy. They are totally hard core playmates. There are no untugged toys in the house. Every one has been the subject of a playful puppy war. Faith has been getting more comfortable and has even started sneaking over and sleeping on Journey’s pillow and the two sleep very close at times or lay on each other to get our attention. The very latest thing was that I heard a dog grunting for water. Grunting is a Faith thing. I came from around the corner only to find Journey and hear her grunting at me exactly like Faith. SO WEIRD!

K is back to school. She is taking several classes: PE, Psychology, Oral Communications, chemistry, and a 4 week seminar in procrastination and time management. The chemistry is a biggie because there are two class sessions and 4 hours of lab work every week. The big news on the K front is that she is getting the courage up to start learning to drive! I long for the day that I no longer have to drive to all theses classes. She won’t be able to take a driving course until next term so you all can wait to be very scared to be on the road! LOL!



3 responses

13 10 2014

Wait isn’t she still the skinny little girl, full of energy!!! Drive wait what? She’s tooooo young!?!?

13 10 2014
Victoria Bloom

Hi Amy! What a crack up. I saw Sue and Jill this weekend and we talked about coming to visit again sometime 🙂 All is well here, busy and enjoying the Fall weather. We had a lot of color at the cabin this weekend. xo Vicki From: Pine Valley Adventures Reply-To: Pine Valley Adventures Date: Monday, October 13, 2014 at 9:03 AM To: Victoria Bloom Subject: [New post] Run chicken! Run! Amy posted: “Sunday was set to be glorious. The first day that we had the ability to sleep in, or at least stay in our jammies. No place to be. No appointments, classes, or anything. Of course, the dogs can tell time and when 7AM rolled around they demanded their brea”

17 11 2014

You have such a gift for writing. Always a joy to read. Life sounds good in your neighborhood and not boring. Driving doesn’t seem to be the big prize for this generation as it was for mine. Maybe they like being driven around or just realize the responsibility involved.—- Give “K” a hug for us. Stay warm Sue

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